Know what you eat: Garcinia indica or kokum is a fruit tree, of culinary, pharmaceutical, and industrial uses. Kokum is dark purple in color and has a sticky surface with curled edges.
The fruit dried and is usually available in the market as a dried rind. When Kokum spice is added to food, it gives it a natural pink- purplish color and gives it a tangy sweet-sour taste. It is widely used in the regional cuisines of Gujarat, Maharashtra and several South Indian states. Kokum has the same sour taste as that of tamarind. It is also an ingredient in many chutneys and pickles. Where to find ???? Available in any Indian Grocery Store near you.
Here are some benefits making this drink worth for consumption and a perfect home remedy for reducing body heat and indigestion.
- Kokum Juice is a health drink as it absorbs heat of your body & gives you instant energy.
- It gives respite from indigestion too.
- It is rich in taste and provides an excellent alternative to the not so healthy synthetic soft drinks.
- Its made from kokum fruit with jaggery, black pepper, and sea salt..
- Kokum has refrigerant ingredients and serves as a natural counteract to the heat.
- Kokum Juice also mixed with yogurt and salt makes a perfect "natural antacid".
- It also contains Hydroxycytric acid which is capable of decreasing cholesterol and tryglyceride levels.
- Reduction in gastric acidity, prevents muscosal damage, and is a anti-ulcer agent.

1 Glass Warm water or as needed
4-5 count Kokum fruit
1/4 of an inch Ginger piece (optional)
1/2 tsp Cumin seeds
Salt, A pinch
1 tsp Honey / Jaggery
1.In a bowl soak kokum fruit in 3/4cup of warm water along with cumin seeds overnight or atleast for 4-5 hours.
2. Grind everything,along with ginger and make it like a paste. Pass it through a strainer.
3.Take one tablespoon of this paste, along with jaggery/honey, salt and add water as make it to your taste.
Discard using Ginger if using with yogurt. Kokum paste mixed with yogurt and salt makes a perfect "natural antacid".
1. The paste can be kept in fridge for 2 days..
2. Consume preferably before meals..
3. Its an oral consumption and can be consumed by anyone.
Goes to our home event :Home Remedies- Series 1..
Goes to our home event :Home Remedies- Series 1..

Sounds amazing! I guess I need to visit an Indian store soon!
Nice information....I really don't like the smell of kokum.
wow amazing, i have also heard that kokum is used in some of the weightloss medicine. first here, loved ur blog, followin u
So true!! I used to have kokam sherbet for the same reasons!
Wow....interesting..thx for sharing!
Yet another good home remedy.Thankyou for such good posts.
that sounds cool..
I didn't know about the kokum water - I will post my entry today!
I wish I had this now! Really..Got to go pick up some kokum!
A vrey helpful tip!
Thanx for the info!!! its new to me..
Thanx for the info!!! its new to me..
Thanks for your sweet words Sadhana n Muskan , it meant a lot to me at this point of time..
you have posted a lot of great things lately...will go through them very soon..
Really good info, thanks
Nice information about kokum my fav! Thanks
very informative..Thanks for sharing
Never tried yet kokum...thanks for sharing..
New info to me...thanx for sharing
your knowledge about these home remedies always amazes me, you know! This is again a keeper one.
You are right to use kokum in cooking...nice info..
this is new, but thanks for the info!
healthy one...nice presentation!
Sounds great, thanks for sharing!
Never tried with kokum, thanks for sharing.
Wow! This sounds so amazing! I've never heard about kokum before, I hope I can find it from Indian market. Thanks for sharing such a helpful info:)
Very informative. I have heard that kokum has medicinal benefits but not tasted it.
Healthy one...interesting two different tonic..
never used kokum that recipe.
Wonderful and great info!
I greatly enjoy and appreciate these posts. In my little country grocers we do not have these ingredients, but if I ever make it to one of our metropolitan stores I shall certainly look for these ingredients. Thank you for the time and work you put into this.
Love all the talk about kokum we grow that in my house in India and din't ever know that I can make a drink that is so good.. thanks for sharing
Bought a pack once but used only one or two out of it....great info, will keep in mind....
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